Sunday, November 9, 2008

Yet another kind of musi'que'.

I was amazed by this tought: "Is there any other kind of music, which is different from the music we currently have?"

From the past, the renaissance, classical, romance, delta blues.....till the current pop, every single piece of music are made no more than those '8 notes', a.k.a. "do re mi fa sol la ti do", or if we consider the sharp and flat, 12 notes. Every single piece, even for the Ancient chinese music, it was so. I saw before, a Song Dynasty emporer trying to get the 8th notes with a flute. The book said that he found the 8th note!!, yet it's actually the higher octave's 'do'. So there is no other rule than 12 notes rule.

Some gutarist or trumpetist managed to do some pitch tuning job, such as guitar string bending or over blowing the harmonics and stufff like that. These are only some approcaching method we use to enter an actual note, and it occurs ocassionally without ant proper theory.

So, is there any kind of music in this world that divide one key to more than 12 notes, say, 24 notes? I heard this kind of music for the 1st time during my school's music club Annual Meeting.

We call it experimental music.

I went and listen, not much different.(perhaps i still haven't found those songs which really shows the different.)

It divide one key into maybe 13 notes or 26 notes? It'll sound more like what we call polyphonic ringtones.. I'm thinking, if one day we can divide a musical instrument into 64 notes, when playing it, it should really sounds like what we call bird sing. (sounds really like the real bird.) or other natural phenomenon.

1st instrument to be used in this kind of music is those fretless string instrument, or some wind instruments which the notes is mainly controlled by lips.

But it's really too hard to do this kind of music, seriously. 12 notes on 'bumblebee' needs a pro pianist already, if i say, 64 notes? should be piano pro Pro PRO!!!

HaHa, current music is not so not nice actually, and the effort to defind a new music theory is not that easy though, it has more notes with more harmony forms...

One thing to mention, during the past, Van Gogh trying mimic the scene to the most in his painting. However, during his older age, he prefer Impressionist. Yes! less colour, more inner meaning. This is what we want in art, the hidden meaning ( shakespeare's are like that as well).

So music, the more complicated the better or the more harmony the better ? more notes better or more inner meaning better?

It depends on who you are and how's your taste!


逍遥子Odysseus said...

i think there are more than 7 notes or the 12notes existing in the world. but we human cant hear it because we are born and structured in the way to distinguish only the sofar current note of music. lets get to heaven one day, then you would complete different kind of music notes because by then we would be put up a new heavenly body and ears to hear... ha! I am talking theology not science because what I said cannot be proven or disproved!

anyway, yu try to look up the works of Leonardo davinci. he is genius in physics and painting arts.. maybe he could inspire you in these areas//

HT said...

I see, thanks a lot.

Frequency divided into more than 12 portion, it's possible!

Just that the playing style'll be a bit messy, LOL!