Monday, December 20, 2010

Music Dynamics.

It had been a long time since my hibernation. Time for something new!

It has been a great opportunity for me here in UK too access to various data and info about music and art. At least, the internet speed is really fast, streaming is no longer a problem for me to learn new thing.

To be honest, I used to think that Classical music is something dead. But, now i could certainly say that, no it isn't.

Take one example: Chopin Ballade No.1 in G minor. I took the same piece performed by different players (Arthur Rubinstein, Horowitz, Zimerman, Michiavelli, etc). I noticed that,

1. All of them perform flawless. This is the basic requirement for classical pianist i suppose.

2. All of the performances have different video time length. It means that each of them is performed at different speed.

3. Each of them performs with different physical facial expression. As well as their dynamics, loudness, quietness, where to pause, where to emphasis, etc..

4. All blend in to: each of them has a very special interpretation into that particular piece.

This makes the piece alive. What was Chopin thinking? The song is just named "Ballade in G minor", this title doesn't show any clue. For instance, "pop song no.12 in E major", what's that suppose to mean? no title, only music score with expression signs.

In exact same notes, same timing/beat, same kind of piano; each of them brings you into a different realm.

In that case, emotion & dynamics is really something that makes song/music different & unique. isn't it?

Do jazz interpret music as such? Or just pure theory? Pure feel? Improvisation from the original song? No feel of the title at all?? What's happening?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hi Fi confusion.

People get messed up in this term "Hi Fi". Hifi actually means high fidelity, that's it, regeneration of sound as close to original as possible.

So, the equipments will be:
1. Source- CD players, LP players (long play), tuners, hard disk streaming, cassettes etc.

2. Pre Amp-this amp controls the power amp with varying voltage different. For your info, power amplifier has only one fixed gain (signal amplification factor).

3. Power Amp- This amp drives the speakers. It amplifies signals, making it very large and could move the speaker diaphragm.

Integrated amp is where the pre and power amps both joined together in a "thing", sharing the main power source. It's more convenient to be used, but it can't give as much power output as the mono blocks (aka power amps). Separated power sources of the pre-power combination gives a better control of the power source, hence eliminated the possibility of left & right channel power being unequally distributed (especially when driving fast paced loud).

Other stuff:
a. Amp can be further divided into tube amp and solid state.

b. Amp can also be divided into class A, A/B & D.

c. CD player can be further divided into 2 compartments: Transport>DAC (digital analogue converter).

d. etc etc....

e. Hardest thing in hi-fi.. Room tune.

That's it!

Cables, for Hi Fi.

(Purposely do not write out all of my thoughts, to reduce complaint!! I think it's short enough =D)

Once i think that the interior and exterior properties of speaker/interconnect cables do make sonic difference in Hi Fi. (I'm talking about high fidelity sound). This is because the inductive, capacitive and conductivity of the cables do change the sound characteristic.

But, scientists say it doesn't cause any difference in your ear, or our mind. Is this true?

I do still believe hifi cables do make a different in the sonic element!!

"The human mind is such a suggestible, inaccurate device, why do we bother to listen at all? We should just measure music and go home. " -