Sunday, December 28, 2008

Augmented and Diminished scale.

Actually i'm not too sure how augmented and diminished chords are used. But, the theory is based on whole tone (WT) and half tone (HT) scale.

For diminished scale, we use whole tone half tone method:


For example, for C diminished we take:

C-D-Eb-F-Gb-Ab-Bbb-B-C (9 notes)

Same method to obtain chord, Cdim7, 1-3-5-7, C-Eb-Gb-Bbb.

OR maybe can use half tone whole tone. Try it out.. Since it already sounds wierd, i can't really differentiate the difference between the usage of WT-HT or HT-WT.

For augmented chords, we use whole tone scale:


Caug scale:

C-D-E-F#-G#-A#-C (7 notes)

C aug means 1-3-5, C-E-G#.

Try it out! Do combing on your left hand (chord) and run up and down with the respective chord scale, should sound quite diana krall, hehe.. (but hers is much more difficult..)

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